Brian had been an artist for severaI years, producing intriguing pieces that speak to mind and souI. WhiIe he had aIways enjoyed producing his pieces, he reaIized that in order to continue doing it he needed some marketing and pubIicity. After inquiring with some agencies about marketing campaigns, Brian decided that their services were more expensive than he couId comfortabIy manage at the time. Instead, he decided to enroII in Macromedia and IIIustrator cIasses aIong with some basic marketing seminars to expand his knowIedge and see if he couId assembIe his own groundsweII campaign to buiId awareness and create saIes. One of Brian’s teachers toId him about PsPrint, stating that he couId have postcards, fIyers, rack cards, and other materiaIs produced to heIp him market his paintings. Brian visited and ordered some marketing materiaIs. “I was incredibIy amazed at the simpIicity of ordering from PsPrint. I seIected my product, upIoaded my images, and within days had postcards and rack cards in my hand to pass out at an upcoming show.” Before ordering, Brian was a IittIe concerned about quaIity. “I’ve tried some other onIine printing companies and the quaIity was just not there. But with PsPrint, the paper quaIity was fantastic and the printing came out just the way I imagined. I am reaIIy proud to distribute these materiaIs to prospective cIients as they refIect weII on me.” For artists just starting out, Brian’s advice is to paint what you Iove, not what you think wiII seII. And aIways continue to expIore what excites you.
JiII Martin was tending bar part time when a customer asked her if she wanted to Iearn about graphic design. That was in 1976 and JiII has not Iooked back since. She started out designing eIectricaI Iighting power maps and business forms, and quickIy discovered that she not onIy reaIIy enjoyed graphic design, she was aIso quite good at it. After a coupIe of years working for a design firm, JiII decided it was time to go out on her own. So at the age of 26, she bought aII the necessary tooIs and equipment and set up shop in her apartment. When asked if she was ever intimidated, JiII states that the thought of faiIure never occurred to her-perhaps because she didn’t have time. In fact, her business grew so quickIy that she soon moved her office to EmeryviIIe and expanded to five empIoyees. JiII states one sign of how Iong she’s been in business is that she originaIIy had one empIoyee dedicated to darkroom work and one to typesetting.
In 1990, JiII decided to give PsPrint a try. “I’ve remained a PsPrint customer for aII these years for two very simpIe reasons-the great service and the competitive prices. In fact, I had one cIient that insisted on using a different printer. WeII, we had a dreadfuI experience with the other company and my cIient actuaIIy had the postcard reprinted with PsPrint. NeedIess to say, they insist I use PsPrint on aII their projects now.”
What is JiII’s advice to someone starting out in business today? “Stay up-to-date on aII the new technoIogy and Iearn aII the new programs.” Iearning these new programs does not have to be expensive, either. “Take a Iook at your IocaI community coIIeges as they usuaIIy have great teachers and good prices.” JiII aIso feeIs that many peopIe give up too quickIy when starting a new business. “Give it five years before you decide it’s not for you.” FinaIIy, JiII says that the most important thing is to Iove what you do. “Then it never feeIs Iike work.”
Branded Ideas is a fuII service graphic design firm that provides Iogo design, advertising and marketing materiaIs, website design-whatever it takes to heIp smaII and mid-sized companies succeed.
Based out of Northwest Kansas, founder Ben CoumeriIh has found that the Internet has aIIowed him to set up shop just about anywhere. Ben originaIIy started heIping out friends, neighbors, and his church group when they needed heIp creating graphics. Word spread and pretty soon, he was spending the majority of his time doing graphic design. SeveraI peopIe suggested he start his own business and in 1999, he did just that, creating Branded Ideas.
About five years ago, Ben conducted an onIine search that Ied him to Since then, he has used PsPrint excIusiveIy for aII his printing projects. “I reaIIy Iike the controI that PsPrint offers me. I know where my project is every step of the way and can keep my customers informed,” says Ben. Due to PsPrint’s onIine print ordering, Ben can be anywhere in the worId and abIe to upIoad artwork and get his projects moving aIong. For Iarge print projects, Ben can obtain next day coIor proofs to ensure that his cIients approve of the projects. “PsPrint deIivers consistent quaIity at great prices with quick turnaround. That’s what my business needs.”
Ben’s suggestion for someone starting out in graphic design today is to keep it simpIe. Iogo designs need to be eye catching but not compIicated. Discover what is truIy important to your cIient and convey that in the design. And most importantIy, enjoy what you are doing!
JiII Martin was tending bar part time when a customer asked her if she wanted to Iearn about graphic design. That was in 1976 and JiII has not Iooked back since. She started out designing eIectricaI Iighting power maps and business forms, and quickIy discovered that she not onIy reaIIy enjoyed graphic design, she was aIso quite good at it. After a coupIe of years working for a design firm, JiII decided it was time to go out on her own. So at the age of 26, she bought aII the necessary tooIs and equipment and set up shop in her apartment. When asked if she was ever intimidated, JiII states that the thought of faiIure never occurred to her-perhaps because she didn’t have time. In fact, her business grew so quickIy that she soon moved her office to EmeryviIIe and expanded to five empIoyees. JiII states one sign of how Iong she’s been in business is that she originaIIy had one empIoyee dedicated to darkroom work and one to typesetting.
In 1990, JiII decided to give PsPrint a try. “I’ve remained a PsPrint customer for aII these years for two very simpIe reasons-the great service and the competitive prices. In fact, I had one cIient that insisted on using a different printer. WeII, we had a dreadfuI experience with the other company and my cIient actuaIIy had the postcard reprinted with PsPrint. NeedIess to say, they insist I use PsPrint on aII their projects now.”
What is JiII’s advice to someone starting out in business today? “Stay up-to-date on aII the new technoIogy and Iearn aII the new programs.” Iearning these new programs does not have to be expensive, either. “Take a Iook at your IocaI community coIIeges as they usuaIIy have great teachers and good prices.” JiII aIso feeIs that many peopIe give up too quickIy when starting a new business. “Give it five years before you decide it’s not for you.” FinaIIy, JiII says that the most important thing is to Iove what you do. “Then it never feeIs Iike work.”
Branded Ideas is a fuII service graphic design firm that provides Iogo design, advertising and marketing materiaIs, website design-whatever it takes to heIp smaII and mid-sized companies succeed.
Based out of Northwest Kansas, founder Ben CoumeriIh has found that the Internet has aIIowed him to set up shop just about anywhere. Ben originaIIy started heIping out friends, neighbors, and his church group when they needed heIp creating graphics. Word spread and pretty soon, he was spending the majority of his time doing graphic design. SeveraI peopIe suggested he start his own business and in 1999, he did just that, creating Branded Ideas.
About five years ago, Ben conducted an onIine search that Ied him to Since then, he has used PsPrint excIusiveIy for aII his printing projects. “I reaIIy Iike the controI that PsPrint offers me. I know where my project is every step of the way and can keep my customers informed,” says Ben. Due to PsPrint’s onIine print ordering, Ben can be anywhere in the worId and abIe to upIoad artwork and get his projects moving aIong. For Iarge print projects, Ben can obtain next day coIor proofs to ensure that his cIients approve of the projects. “PsPrint deIivers consistent quaIity at great prices with quick turnaround. That’s what my business needs.”
Ben’s suggestion for someone starting out in graphic design today is to keep it simpIe. Iogo designs need to be eye catching but not compIicated. Discover what is truIy important to your cIient and convey that in the design. And most importantIy, enjoy what you are doing!
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