Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Universal / NBC Goes Green

What is this all about? Well it’s simple really. Universal and all their companies (Including NBC-TV and many others) are simply showing that even large corporations can make big changes, and when done creatively, they do not distract from the brand, rather it enhances it…We hope that more big brands take the leap, even if it is to use their influence to get people to change their ways in their daily lives. Change starts with individuals doing small things, see the tips below.

The following is a statement from their website. NBC Universal’s new “Green is Universal” campaign kicks off Nov. 4th with a week of green-themed programming aimed at entertaining, informing and empowering Americans to lead greener lives.

The NBC website gives the following tips:

Tip #1: 

Take a shorter shower. In doing so you will save water and the energy it takes to heat it which in turn reduces carbon dioxide emissions.

Tip #2: 

By allowing more natural light into your home, you can lower the use of electricity; artificial light adds up to almost 15% of the home’s total electricity.

Tip #3:

 Save material resources by renting a costume for Halloween instead of purchasing another costume this year that you’ll probably only wear once or twice.

Tip #4:

 Stop adding waste - Instead of using a paper or plastic cup, invest in a mug and use that throughout the day.

Tip #5:

 Go Organic and don’t worry about eating or drinking added hormones.

Tip #6:

Individual servings at grocery stores use up more packaging. When possible, purchase the family size.

Tip #7:

 Purchase a canvas bag or two and bring it to the grocery store to avoid using their plastic or paper bags.

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