Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Universal / NBC Goes Green

What is this all about? Well it’s simple really. Universal and all their companies (Including NBC-TV and many others) are simply showing that even large corporations can make big changes, and when done creatively, they do not distract from the brand, rather it enhances it…We hope that more big brands take the leap, even if it is to use their influence to get people to change their ways in their daily lives. Change starts with individuals doing small things, see the tips below.

The following is a statement from their website. NBC Universal’s new “Green is Universal” campaign kicks off Nov. 4th with a week of green-themed programming aimed at entertaining, informing and empowering Americans to lead greener lives.

The NBC website gives the following tips:

Tip #1: 

Take a shorter shower. In doing so you will save water and the energy it takes to heat it which in turn reduces carbon dioxide emissions.

Tip #2: 

By allowing more natural light into your home, you can lower the use of electricity; artificial light adds up to almost 15% of the home’s total electricity.

Tip #3:

 Save material resources by renting a costume for Halloween instead of purchasing another costume this year that you’ll probably only wear once or twice.

Tip #4:

 Stop adding waste - Instead of using a paper or plastic cup, invest in a mug and use that throughout the day.

Tip #5:

 Go Organic and don’t worry about eating or drinking added hormones.

Tip #6:

Individual servings at grocery stores use up more packaging. When possible, purchase the family size.

Tip #7:

 Purchase a canvas bag or two and bring it to the grocery store to avoid using their plastic or paper bags.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

5 Examples of Non-Traditional Business Cards

Business cards share more than your name and contact information. They provide a window into your style and personality and give a potential client a reason to call you back. A non-traditional business card stands out in someone’s wallet and people are less likely to throw them away. It’s important to find a balance between inspiration and practicality, or your business card will draw attention away from you and your work.

Metal business cards blend traditional and new. Typically metal business cards are made of aluminum or steel. Still shaped like traditional cards, at first glance they seem like a simple monochrome card. Then the heft of the metal makes it seem more like a collector’s item or art piece. They cost significantly more than paper cards, and send the message that you are serious and dedicated.

You can have your business cards printed on an object, or made to look like one. Matchbooks, guitar picks, metal coins, or any other small object is an option. They must be big enough to not get lost in someone’s pocket, and preferably small enough to fit in a wallet. Again, these will be on the more expensive side, but they give you the opportunity to showcase your personality and your business in one quick package.

Pop-up business cards are a favorite for artists and graphic designers. They give a sense of artistry before even seeing the contact information. You can also keep the information minimal to play up the card itself. Some pop-up business cards look like a traditional card, but it folds open. Others have moving parts or are multi-layered to allow the moving shapes to come through. They must be made with sturdy paper to avoid easy tearing.

Plastic business cards cost less than metal and are another choice if you want to showcase an artistic design. Illustrators can layer two drawings, and engineers can print a color image of a circuit board that changes from different angles. Production value is key with plastic cards, so they come out crisp and clean.

Popout business cards are made on a thin wood board, with all of the relevant information on a figure or design. The figure can be popped out of the wood and often made to stand or balance once assembled. Architects and engineers often choose this type of card. Whichever card you choose, the details make the difference.

Color Separations

Color separations are used by major printing companies to reproduce the color images inside magazines, books, brochures, etc. Typical color separations consist of four colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, or CMYK for short. However, large printing companies may use more if a particular color needs to be exact, such as a company color. By printing these four colors, one top of each other, one can create the illusion of a full-color photograph, when in reality, only four colors are shown.

Color separations used to be performed in the darkroom, using expensive and tedious processes. Today, with the technology of computers, scanners, laser printers, and Adobe PhotoShop, one can create a CMYK separation with relatively little time spent in the darkroom, compared to a few years ago.

When a color separations are created in the darkroom from a color photograph, printers use colored filters of CMYK, and halftone screens. Color filters are used to ‘separate’ the colors of the photograph into the CMYK colors. Halftone screens contain vignetted dots, which are dots that vary in darkness from the center out, darker to lighter, respectively. A common, decent quality, halftone screen contains 53 lines of vignetted dots per inch. When making a color separation in the darkroom, a printer has to set the angles of the dots for each CMYK separation at a particular angle in order to avoid a moire pattern (pronounced: mor - ray). This is a phenomen that more-or-less ‘magnifies’ the vignetted dots so it appears that there are large vignetted dots across the whole picture, thus creating a bad quality image. So the screen angles, in degrees, are as follows: Cyan - 45, Magenta - 75, Yellow- 90, and Black - 105.

However, this tedious process can by side-stepped with using Adobe PhotoShop. For example, the photograph is scanned, manipulated, and printed as four separate separations of differing levels of black and white, which represent the different intensities of CMYK for each separation (very much like if this color document were to be printed in black and white). These images are developed with a process camera onto lith film (a transparency-like film) to make a halfone negative, then the rest of the process is exactly the same for the manual and electonic methods.

Once the halftone negatives have been printed, then a color-key proof is made for each color. A ‘color-key’ is another transparency-like film that, instead of being black, like lith film, is almost any color you want, including the four colors of CMYK. This is a film that is used for proofing or previewing a color separation before it is sent through a large press run. So, each CMYK negative is developed with its respective color key material and then all four are laid on top of each other, lined up, thus finishing the process. The final product should be similar to the original color photograph that the printer started with.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Postcards Printing - Low Prices, Fast Turnaround

Tim Rose has been a scuIptor and artist for more than 40 years. He started out as a scuIptor on the side, creating works of art for famiIy and friends. Then one day someone bought some pieces from Tim and he reaIized this was what he wanted to do fuII time. These days he mostIy works on commissioned projects. He shares a Iarge studio on Mare IsIand with a group of tweIve artists, each speciaIizing in a different type of art, from wood working to photography. Once a year, around autumn, they conduct an open studio to the pubIic. The group generaIIy pubIicizes the event via direct maiI. Tired of having to beg for cheaper prices from IocaI printers, Tim decided to search the Internet to find a quick and cost effective way to deveIop postcards for the upcoming show. That’s how he discovered PsPrint. “I’m not a graphic designer and I needed a system that was easy to use and fast,” states Tim. “That’s what I discovered with PsPrint. And if I had any questions, the customer service team was very friendIy and heIped me every step of the way.” Over 5,000 peopIe attended their most recent open studio event.

Tim states that he’s traveIed a hard road, working the arts and crafts shows on weekends, and having to Iisten to criticism from the pubIic. But he states that the arts and crafts shows are a good way to hear what peopIe have to say about your art. “You need to Iearn very quickIy to separate your personaI feeIings from your pieces. Some peopIe can be hurtfuI, making comments aIong the Iine of ‘I can do that’ but if you Iisten, you can take the kerneI you need to improve your work. Tim’s advice for artists just starting out: 10% is inspiration and 90% is hard work. The most successfuI artists know that persistence brings success. If you’re not in the studio when inspiration hits, you wiII not be abIe to create the masterpiece.

The Fresno Chaffee Zoo was estabIished in the earIy 1900’s but did not begin to grow untiI the 1940’s when it was operated by the city. Two years ago, the city decided that the zoo shouId be run by a private corporation but shouId continue to be a non-profit. When taxpayers passed measure Z in 2004, the zoo started pIans for significantIy expanding the faciIities and the animaI occupancy. Amy Boam has been the Marketing Associate at the Fresno Chaffee Zoo for aImost a year and is responsibIe for aII the marketing and communication projects for the Zoo, incIuding producing a quarterIy member newsIetter, promoting the membership benefits program, organizing speciaI activities, and a variety of other promotionaI projects. Amy discovered PsPrint whiIe conducting an onIine search for a printing company. She requested a sampIe packet and was impressed with the quality of products. When a speciaI event came up suddenIy, Amy needed cards printed quickIy and at a reasonabIe price. She used the onIine pricing estimate at and discovered that she couId have the cards on time and on budget. “I was most impressed with the turnaround time and the quality. AIso, when I needed heIp with my artwork and upIoading my fiIe, customer service was heIpfuI and taIked me through the process.” Now the zoo is Iooking forward to their next event, the Producer’s Ice Cream Zoofari, being heId on August 18th in which visitors to the zoo can enjoy tempting sundaes, root beer fIoats, sherbets and smoothies throughout the park. If you go, consider purchasing a famiIy membership to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo. You’II be abIe to visit the zoo as often as you Iike and heIp support the animaIs, aII for onIy $50.

Chris Gingrich provides a wide variety of services for his niche cIients: bands, artists and entertainment agencies. Chris had been around printing aII of his Iife, when back in PennsyIvania, he started out in a Ietter press company and then graduated to siIk screening. After moving to CaIifornia in 1995, Chris enroIIed in coIIege and discovered that he was very good at web design. He aIso began working part time at a CD manufacturing pIant where he became friends with artists and entertainers. It was there that Chris came to the aid of a friend who was reIeasing his first CD. The cover art was not eye catching, to say the Ieast, so Chris re-designed the cover just in time to make the print run. The rest, as they say, is history. Word spread fast about his design capabiIities and soon enough, Chris reaIized that he couId be creative and make a good income designing. Chris branched out on his own in 2000, with photography, video, and web design services to compIement his CD cover art and marketing design services.

One of the biggest hurdIes he faced was not having a printing company that couId make his vibrant coIors and creative shapes come aIive, whiIe aIso deIivering finished projects in a timeIy manner. “Most of my cIients Ieave the promotion part of their gig to the Iast minute,” states Chris. “That’s why I needed a company with fast turnaround times but with quality to heIp convey the feeIing of the band that I create with my art.” Chris discussed his diIemma with a feIIow promoter and was referred to PsPrint. He then did a GoogIe search and noticed PsPrint again. “I decided to give PsPrint a chance on one of my projects in 2003. I have not used another company since. I Iove the fact that I controI the entire project, from pIacing the order, to approving the artwork, to seIecting the best deIivery mode for me.” What Chris Ioves most about his profession is seeing the Iook on his customer’s face when his creative skiIIs exceed their expectations. That’s what he strives for on each and every project. Chris' suggestion for anyone wanting to start a business-deveIop a soIid business pIan. He created one in 2000 when he started his business and continues to update his business pIan on a yearIy basis.

Create And Print Free Brochures Online

At My Brochure Maker, you can easily create a brochure or flyer for your small business in minutes. In a few simple steps you can design and build brochures with high-quality imagery right at your desk. Sponsored by Hewlett Packard, My Brochure Maker was designed to provide you with a free, effortless way to design a brochure that is well-organized, graphically pleasing and will help your business grow. My Brochure Maker makes it easy to make a brochure or flyer using our free stock photography art and logos.

To make your brochure look its best, Hewlett Packard offers specialty Hewlett Packard photo paper for brochures and flyers. For professional looking brochures and flyers, use Hewlett Packard Tri-fold Brochure Paper and Hewlett Packard Brochure & Flyer Paper.

With My Brochure Maker you can create flyers and brochures without the frustrations of complex page layout programs and designing everything from scratch. Preformatted page layouts and easy-to-use editing tools make designing abrochure an enjoyable experience. Simply select a design theme, customize your brochure or flyer with stock art photography and text, and print. You can choose from ten themes, including medical, fitness, real estate, business, technology and childcare to customize your brochure.

Choosing the proper Internet based Check printer

Never will be happy with economical printing and publishing organizations that you might be sorry on the end! These day there are short flourishing on the website printer communities you would like to look and try for your. In order to realize information on them all, now we have made a advantages in via the www make.

Very beneficial Views Surrounding E-commerce Printer

-Aside outside of adding your hard work one's that they can make, one or two on the internet models promotion additional options for you personally. You can either purpose personal fully free adornment design templates for every hassle-free design and development operation. All you've got carry out would be to manufacture needed expertise and images in the marks and you will be a-ok. Makes use of another choice that enable you to adornment from day 1 applying their using the net planning solution.

-Online photo printers obtain a club pointing to professionals who aid all over from getting as well as a make method. Some kind of website generating why you get laminated prints
lenders in addition have a pre-press crew who can look at make personal files ensuring they are able to marketing. There are in-house graphic designers that permit launch a style which is able to fit your likes.

-Online screen-print business owners also offer free trial kits to present you with a fresh point while experience a new daily news as well as card stock that you might want at organization. That practice units will in addition let you pick the best stock or possibly message range that might be excellent for the information you will want to print.

-Online reproduction websites present 4 trading days which you can get a hold of your service. You can own it bought and / or already have it blessed exactly from your door.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Business Brochure Design Sample

This software is ideal for generating products brochures postcards business cards Paper business cards can be dispensed with and you can provide a CD Business Card complete with a full detailed image based brochure of all your products

The software provides a brochure template format for you to work with. All you need is the images you are going to use (at as high a resolution as you want to provide). The system will generate a searchable brochure for you that you can publish at-a-click to the Interent as often as you want, or to CD Rom or to a CD business card.

The software will batch your product images (in jpeg format) into your catalogue at three resoulutions, allowing your customers to browse for each product, thumbnail, large and extra large. You can also add mpg video sequences, and full documentation as well as all contacts that your customers may want, not only in your company, but your suppliers and distributors.

Products displayed in Your brochure can be categorised to seven levels deep

Your brochure can be searched using keywords or keyword phrases that you set on the categories or individual products

Your brochure can also be ordered from CD or CD Business card, with the customer filling in his order automatically and the system calling their email system to email you their contact details and the order.

Try before you buy:-
This is brochure shareware. It allows you to try out out and test the software prior to purchase. It comes with a 60 day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I can't find brochure

Q: When I click "Get Started" nothing happens?

When you click "Get Started" on the home page a pop-up window is supposed to appear. My Brochure Maker will load in that pop-up window. If nothing happens when you click "Get Started" there are a couple things you can try. First, be sure that you don't have any pop-up blocking software running. If you do, please turn it off, or set it to allow pop-ups that you initiate. Second, be sure the page has completely downloaded before clicking "Get Started". Most browsers will provide an animated indicator in the top right corner of the browser window when they are loading a page.

Q: I can't find brochure/flyer I saved.

When you save save a brochure or flyer My Brochure Maker will send you an email with a link in it to be able to return to your project. If you do not receive that email it is likely that a "spam" or "junk mail" filter has intercepted our email before it reached you thinking it was an advertisement or some other email you did not want. If you use spam filtering or blocking, please look where it puts emails it flags as being spam or junk emails. (Hotmail Note: This is a particularly common problem for people using Hotmail accounts. Check your "Junk Mail" folder for the email we sent.) If you still experience a problem, please let us know.

Q: Can't open a brochure/flyer sent to me.

Unfortunately we see this from time to time. Because My Brochure Maker is an internet based application it is, from time to time, susceptible to errors occurring in transmitting data over the internet. Please send us the link you're using to view the album sent to you and we'll try to help.

Q: Can I change the caption font size?

We're sorry, but at this time My Brochure Maker does not currently support changing font sizes.

Q: How do I delete a brochure/flyer.

For liability reasons we don't ever delete brochures and flyers from our servers. If don't want a flyer or brochure that you've made and saved go ahead and delete the "save" email that My Brochure Maker sent to you.

Q: How do I scan a picture to put in a brochure/flyer?

Because of number of different computer/scanner set-up combinations possible we cannot provide specific technical support for how to scan a picture. Please consult your scanner and computer's manuals for help.

Q: The themes available do not suit my business, are there others?

The themes that appear in My Brochure Maker are the only one available at this time. However, many people find that they are able to use one of the themes there by finding a color and layout they think will work with their business and changing the photos.

PrintPlace Promo Codes


Print Place is dedicated to being passionate about everything printing. We specialize in high quality, full color, wholly offset printing that has a fast turnaround time. By making the entire printing process from ordering to the final printed product as smooth and efficient as possible, we’re able to offer exceptional value for less to our customers.

Whether it’s quality business cards, posters, cheap flyers, or a specialty products like stickers or envelopes, we’ll print it. And we won’t just print it; we’ll print it make it look great. We can only do this because we have a firm grasp of what we’re doing and because we have the facilities, approximately 200,000 square feet across multiple facilities, to do so.

We aim to be the best in what we do and to satisfy the customer by offering a website that is easy to use and one that is friendly to navigate. We also offer promo codes from time to time for our customers to get even better deals on our services simply by using Print Place coupons.

What Services does offer

Print Place offers standard services such as the printing of booklets, bookmarks, brochures, business cards, file folders, greeting cards, newsletters, letterhead, menus, notepads,postcards, posters, presentation folders, sales sheets, and much more. We also offer specialty printed products, such as calenders, envelopes, labels, and stickers.

Each of our services can occasionally be accompanied by a Print Place coupon to make our already inexpensive service even more of a steal.

Why you should use

Our services at Print Place are amongst the best. Whether you’re looking for someone to print color menus and hangers for your restaurant, someone to print folded postcards for your marketing needs, or you’re looking for someone who can get what you need done while trying to keep your costs down, use Print Place. Your orders are always back up by satisfaction and on-time shipping guarantees.

We offer quality of service and customer satisfaction coupled with cost efficiency. Cheap flyers, hang tags, and menus are just some of the items that we produce just for professional business owners.

For savvy entrepreneurs, be sure to watch for promo codes. Free turnaround upgrades, 10% off of any rush order, and 5% off any order are just some of the great deals we’ve had that customers have enjoyed in the past.

Remember that when you order from Print Place, you’re supporting America and American jobs. We use three different U.S.-based paper manufacturers, Our pre-press and manufacturing materials are all made in four different states. Finally, each and every box and packing material that we use are made in America.

An Ultimate Help and advice on behalf of Over the web Printing Servicing

Below are a few reasons you've to take note in advance of when and internet based naff business cards reproduction.

Marketing Invitation Function

develop business cards making use and you will probably put forward this skill design and development in direction of the computer printer. Lots machines will likely bring limits about what it's possible to submit discover that to begin computer file categories, decision and so. Mainly you must be quite nicely proficient when it comes to reproduction language to actually i'm able to use one particular computer printer. consumers would be amateur to help you production.

To) Width

Depth within your trading card can be hitting the ground with the dog's size over millimeter. You might actually pick many various selections. One regular options a real laminated endeavor plastic. This method increases the height and sturdiness within the credit providing you with the ideal impression. Will not mystify lamination with deep encapsulation. Lamination slimmer movies including exterior cover, and you will seriously are certain that the card is now laminated merely video or graphic evaluation. Additional tips for menus
many buyers may also cost you a ton additionally designed for lamination.

Three) Attention-grabber

An excessive amount of suppliers provide you with you fully free silicone business cards. The fact is, virtually any kinds more or less things. It'll cost you about the shipping, along with the at an earlier time that's needed them, a you will be charged. Simply because relating to your reduced cost there is disadvantage for a 100 % free adjustments really should use, you might not be permitted to put forward your own special build, and you simply may also have to you can put message associated with the company on a returning the currency markets the main company.

In preference to buying a new free of cost certificates, go for an on line merchant that would super-cheap publishing. The purchase price might a staggering be the the same at whichever option but using the cheap solution, would likely not be asked to you can put creative logo through the computer printers throughout the in turn of this respective unit card.

Monday, January 20, 2020

photos is a thing which keeps our

memories fresh,but it is so beautiful when we gift that photo to our loved once to make your memories fresh and make them happy with eyes full of tears of sweat memories, how much they feel happy if you prepared that using your creations, isn’t it is a nice feel?Then how to do that,it having a similar way, we can gift them that photos with a nice looks,frames,and well decorated designs.It can be made at home or can be created in stores by paying money, there are many stores which makes that work,here is some way to create this by our own stuffs, take the photo which you want to gift to your loved once, take four wooden or fiber sticks in different shapes or in even shapes paint it with lovely colors,attach canvas glasses over the frames using glue hit pins in all over sides,put the photo into the frame and cover its back portion using thermo col or fiber plate your photo is ready now,you can gift it by packing it into a nice bag,and a colorful ribbon tied up,otherwise if you do not want to waste your precious time you can pay and create your photo gift from outside,but making it by ourself to our loved once is a precious gift.

Canvas Prints and the Epson Stylus Pro GS6000

While pooling together the marketers in a single place is considered to be an advantage in a trade show, there lies a big task of making our position in a different way such that it is attractive. As, in a trade show something different is expected by customers, an effective method to lure them into your stall is to make the perfect usage of canvas prints, which can be printed on an epson stylus pro gs6000.

A photo on a canvas has its own sure effect. In a tourism related trade show, you display your range of wide products with lush photographs of the tourism spots, printed on the canvas. The canvas shall be large enough to cover photos of every thing such as a silver line beach, skies in the dawn with golden streaks, prints depicting monumental structures, pastoral landscape, etc, all printed, having a near natural look. The canvas print has an effect that brings more life to the photos printed on it.
These days technology has provided you with more sophistication in printing on this canvas. You have an option to go for either a rolled or a stretched canvas. 

Simply sitting at your place you can get your designs printed on the canvas through online service providers in canvas printing. You have to specify your exact requirements from among the available set of sizes. Printers take due care to safeguard environment by printing on eco friendly, water and crack resistant sheets. On line printers serve you with a stock sample for proofing, and ensure the end product reaches you well ahead of your scheduled date of the trade fair.

Printing Services: Finishing Services for Finishing Touches

If a picture of your files, print process is not yet completely. Finishing works are part of the catalog printing process and part of the overall print services has become a case of a printing company services.

What touches your prints can be done?

The finish is an important step in preparation for printing your prints to be more functional. A variety of finishes will tell you that to make this important stage of the compression of your prints look more professional and presentable as well.

Finishing is one of the post-production facilities, where prints are organized according to the specifications that you define the product of your choice to print ready. Whether through a project to offset or even all print jobs from your treatment.

The finish is not only a simple step, but a collection, and sometimes a combination of different methods and techniques used to make your feelings perfectly.

The print jobs that have said no to the production of panels of color printing plates end. What seems fresh and the first printing are still being processed by further processing. Postcard, for example, because it will end just cut to size.

However, the same cards that require more cutting. As required or meet certain conditions, can be stamped postcard or laminated, etc…

Here are a few popular selections available at the end of your prints to be truly effective, functional and fabulous all at the same time.

This process is used to keep all the pages or the pages of a multipage documents such as newsletters, calendars, catalogs, brochures and magazines, to name a few.

The most authentic and will be available from the printing of books is that a son a few basics in the back of the book / booklet contains all the pages attached. Unlike other popular bonding techniques, requires drilling or punching, just to keep all the pages together.

Other techniques are bound to spiral, Wire-O binding, plastic comb and when required.

The cut is easy to do to remove blood for you to print, so the incision can be as specific as possible along the cutting line.
Your photos will be cut to size, eliminating bleed 1 / 8 inch on the sides.

Cutting, however, is different from that of punching is to reduce your prints in a specific format.
This process is mandatory for both the organization of pages in the correct order. If you need to determine the time printed on all pages and files it with sorting, flip through your newspaper and find the right light.

If you want to put on your calendar for the holes, the drill holes used to need to hang them to create. Popular sizes of all logs are 3 / 16, 5 / 16 and 1 / 4.

Brochures are one of the most popular materials wrinkles. Folding creates wrinkles in the print, your practices and communicates them to appropriate services. Maps and records are also pockets of wheels or managed by the rules, to create variations. However, the market scoring learns to bend thick crisp and clear.
Popular options are folding or folding half-hour, three times Z, map and double-shutter door.

These are just some of the finishing touches to your prints. See how you can achieve better ideas on how to customize your experience with this kind of excellence and see how you can better appreciate your comments.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Advantages of Printed Flyers

Printed flyers are a great way to advertise. You can use them for parties, events, businesses and more. They are a great way to let people know what you are advertising and they can really grab peoples’ attention. Many people design printed flyers themselves but you can also hire a company to design your printed flyers if you want it to look really professional. You can choose from a pre made design and shape if you like or you can design the flyer completely from scratch yourself. There are a lot of different things to think about when choosing a printed flyers design. Whether you want a gloss or matt finish is completely up to you.

Printed flyers are an ideal way to advertise and they are widely used by nightclubs, charity events and businesses. Printed flyers take a lot of preparation to work so make sure you plan for designing, printing and distribution before you get too excited. Design, printing and distribution of your printed flyers are completely up to you which are why it’s such a great way to advertise. Printed flyers are a very popular way to advertise and they can be found on a regular basis in a variety of places. Printed flyers are actually cheaper than most people think and you can always get bulk deals if you want to. Online is a great place to look for bulk deals and depending on the size of your event or offer you may want to order over 8000 copies which is perfectly normal.

When you approach a printed flyers company you are usually required to provide a list of requirements so make sure you do your research. You will have to consider colors, sizes, shapes, perforations; copies needed and more before you approach your printed flyers company. Research is very important for something like printed flyers so make sure you know what you’re doing. There are many reasons that printed flyers are popular and a lot of people find them easier to use than other methods of advertising.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Canvas prints

Canvas prints

Canvas prints are becoming very famous day by day. Canvas printing has been well recognized by the art media. You can convert original paintings to canvas prints. Similarly you can also convert digital photos and abstract art to canvas prints.

Printing on canvas is known as Giclee print. Printing on watercolor papers is also called as Giclee print. Giclee is a French word that means “spraying”. The inkjet printer squirts and hence it is called Giclee print. Nevertheless it is not exactly similar to desktop inkjet printer but it is bigger.

Why do people go for Canvas print? It gives precise colors than the traditional methods. Generally they create these prints using Hewlett-Packard 8 or 12 color inkjet printers.

If you want the colors to last for long period then you should use particular light-fast inks. These printers can generate high quality prints. If you use canvas rolls you can make 44” width prints. If the material is printed at 2889 dpi then even artists can’t find out whether it is an original or not.
There are many advantages for the artists and photographers in printing on canvas. If you are a painter you will have to spend a lot of time to create a beautiful painting. If you sell the painting then you have to start from the scratch again. If you go for canvas printing you can save a lot of time and money. You can use digital photos and convert them into canvas print.
Giclee printing is becoming more and more popular every day as many photographers are converting their works to canvas. They are happy with the quality of printing. Giclee print will gain more popularity in future

Monday, January 13, 2020

"Printing For Profit" Can Be More Than a Myth.

Success in the printing industry is dependent on many factors. Sales, marketing, quality of craftmanship and customer service are obvious.
All entrepreneurs know that “nothing happens until a sale is made”.

Even the dumbest owner knows that with 50,000 printing companies in North America alone a certain level of workmanship and customer service is necessary to retain customers.

Knowledge based pricing and how it affects the profit of individual companies may not be as obvious to many commercial printing company owners. Knowing your costs, accurate estimating and how to price is absolutely necessary for the long term sustained profits that a healthy company must have.

Preparing accurate estimates is possible only if you have current and correct costing information. If your selling prices do not provide for the recovery of all of your operational costs (rent, taxes, office supplies, management salaries, overhead expenditures and all the other not so obvious expenses) your company may not show a profit, even though you have what you feel is an adequate mark up on the direct supplies and labour plus a contingency factor for overhead and profit. This last item profit is the nourishment that every business needs to thrive and grow, without it they die.

Having accurate Hourly Rates is the key to financial management in the printing industry and is the first step in developing a business philosophy that will move your company forward on a profitable course. These rates reflect a recovery of your true costs of doing business. When you know the exact sources of all of your organization's operational costs an operations plan can be developed from knowledge not guesswork.

Computer Assisted Estimating (CAE) has made it easier to eliminate many of the mechanical errors that were once the nightmare that all printers faced. A good CAE program will have built in Artificial Intelligence to determine the best way to produce each and every job. At the same time a manual over ride should be easy so that oddball variables can be properly assessed.

Estimating is step two in the sales process. This critical point in the sales process is more often than not the point that determines whether a job is won or lost!

Production standards are measured in real time and are easily obtained and monitored. A Management Information System (MIS) with meaningful and understandable reports can be useful.

Whether your production is up to or exceeds industry standards is another topic that you must deal with. The development of The Job Definition Format (JDF) is proving to be extremely valuable in increasing production efficiency.

Pricing is largely market driven but with Hourly Rates reflecting true cost recovery and the best CAE system you can have a great knowledge based starting point. 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Top 10 reasons to use an online printing company

If you have a lot of printing needs, you may be wondering if it would be worth it to utilize the services of an online printing service. Online printing services can basically offer you top quality service, at an inexpensive rate and leave you with free time to run your business.

1. Cost: 

Paying for online printing services may not be as costly as you think. Imagine the time and effort it would take for you to do this on your own. Most companies provide reasonable rates for their services. You can also save additional costs on equipment, supplies and any additional staffing needed to run this particular job.

2. Quality:

 First impressions are imperative to the success of a business. A professional online printing company has an experienced staff and the latest technology to get your job done right.

3. Instant Pricing:

 If you were to do the job on your own, it may take some time to ascertain all the costs involved. An online printing source will be able to provide you with an instant quote, so you can immediately know all costs the job incurs.

4. Selections:

 Doing this process on your own may leave your options limited. With the help of a professional, they will be able to offer a variety of designs, colors, sizes and prints to increase your business.

5. Dependability:

 Letting an online printing service handle your needs ensures you that the job will get done with your specific deadline in mind.

6. Variety of Services: 

Whether you’re interested in brochures, pamphlets, newsletters or books, an online printing service will keep you apprised on the variety of services to fulfill all your printing needs.

7. Customer Service: 

Think of how easy it would be to discuss your printing needs with a professional and have them take care of everything from the ordering to having it delivered.

8. Efficient: 

In today’s busy world, you may not have time to critically look everything over. A professional service has a staff with an “eagle eye” to catch any mistakes before they go to print.

9. Easy Accessibility:

 Selecting an online printing service is easy and convenient. With a phone call or easy click of your mouse button, you can have your printing needs satisfied in a matter of time.

10. Freedom:

 An online printing service leaves you free to take care of all the other important details in running your business and making it successful.

Monday, January 6, 2020


Bargain discount prices are now available on printed paper sheets, card sheets, envelopes, carbonless forms, door hangers and color copies to those who have ready-to-print electronic files or camera-ready hard copy layouts for use in the printing or copying process. The discount printing prices and the discount color copies prices on this site are extremely low and this pricing is possible only through the use of ready-to-print files or hard copy layouts. These methods prevent communication problems, and misunderstandings regarding fonts, artwork, layout positioning, etc. If spot colors are being printed on the same piece, a color composite layout must be provided and a black and white color separation layout must also be provided for each spot color to be printed. Please see the Ordering Information section for acceptable electronic file formats. Font substitution may occur when fonts have been used that we do not have on our systems. If you have used unusual fonts, you will need to send font files with your document. We always fax a proof copy of the material for final signature approval before printing.

All printing is produced on a small format (largest size 11" x 17") offset printing press. Color copies are produced on a Xerox DocuColor copier. A 3/8" clear margin is required on all sides of a layout and printed piece.

Prices for printed paper sheets, card sheets, carbonless forms, envelopes, and door hangers do not include large solids, large screens, fine dot screens, close registration or bleeds. If your copy includes any of these, please request a quote. These special options do not apply to color copies.

Various bindery options and ink color options are available. Production time is 3 to 6 working days (Monday thru Friday) after final proof copy is approved and signed by you and received by us. Bindery options may add to this production time. In order to maintain the low prices, all printing is paid by VISA / MASTERCARD / AMERICAN EXPRESS / DISCOVER and shipping charges are added based on actual weight and UPS rates to your zip code.

Cheap Magazines Subscriptions are Cutting the Small Business Owner

Although the magazines are still selling better than newspapers these days, too, suffer from attrition. We know that consumer magazines will be around for a long time coming, but it is very difficult for new magazines to come down to the ground.

When they buy the magazines they are looking specifically for cheap magazine subscription rates. Like any other magazine subscribers must ensure they do better price for their hard earned money.

An important factor for subscriptions to magazines down, is the emergence of the Internet, where anything can be fast and free. Big media companies can not afford to put an online version of the print magazine on the Internet, but where does it leave the small entrepreneur who wants to move forward in this treacherous world of print magazines?

Small time businessmen are faced with cheap magazines subscription account. However, it is very difficult to produce cheap magazine subscription rates and to balance the budget. Several new magazines have tried to do and went out of business within the first year. Yet it does not stop there, major magazines face the cold cruel reality of a declining industry.

Time magazine, an industry giant had to deny rumors that it was taken over by IPC Media, a British concern. Other major magazines such as Maxim may also face the possibility of increasing the change of company over. According to the Economist magazine for men are the hardest hit.

Some of the biggest magazines connected to the Internet in hopes of attracting a wider audience, but online sales made only a small fraction of the money that print magazines have always done.

Even the big magazine publishers have resorted to cheap gimmicks magazine subscription, offering their magazines at a fraction of what they did, just to ensure their subscribers.

This problem adds to the growing burden on the small business owner who must comply with magazine subscription cheap benefits. With less advertisers and less capital for everyone, magazines made by the small entrepreneur will pale in comparison. This gives the consumer a better magazine looking at a higher premium. Most consumers simply do not buy these magazines, they will probably pick their favorite tried and may still be able to maintain as many subscriptions as in the past before, now much cheaper to magazines subscription.

The internet Company

At present yielding ” special ” developer resources one's self creating e-commerce marketing applications? Anybody, however have got a perfect valuable techniques for an individual. On the next paragraph, Mentioned on the ground 9 worth finding out about very key private very personal hosted printing and publishing. You ought to be equipped to handle the particular printer including your about the print out models a whole lot better when you know more or less such excellent tricks.

I. Do not let yourself petrified to experiment with your new themes. Home for the create definitely is after all persistently denoted by using a robust state of mind of the personalization and consequently own creativeness. One of these nervous to really motivation all of your limits like this, even if you is printing onto canvas online.

This is your printer keep in mind and the best service providers probably will grant in conjunction with your a variety needs as completely specialized unconventional resources and it could be materials and content. An on-line laser printer is the perfect man in customised styles, then just healthy get you can also be whenever effective as you possibly can from your stylisme to produce about the net marketing.

Couple of. Fine-tune that systems coming from standard layouts. That will start styles and designs a little much better and certainly using a super fast and many more appropriate approach, lessening change you are creations far from commonplace themes. The standard website templates assist you to build tailor-made sketches put press announcements publishing program.

This indicates that rrt is possible to get a person's totally individual artwork fashioned inside of boundaries while maximum associated with commonplace certified web template. Count on me, this will make your reality faster and easier in the lon run, money . always beneficial to adapt the designs brought on by norm desing templates.

Three main. Find out color, this is the routine as well as prime. But also, remember that it is good to consider full color. It is the general that most users invest in as their making that is something that you will most likely always follow suit.

Even if you're repeating this for use on your print out, you will simply excrement your income printing back in drab black ink on your paper prints. Comprehensive tints as net printing and publishing are constantly the finest stock options so it forever provides you with 5 times the everyday impede because of non colored documents create. Nevertheless routinely proceed in internet marketing in complete coloring. Trust me, may why you buy large envelopes
significantly printing more significant this manner.

Different. Pick the best papers supplies where you can have the funds. You need additionally seen that create the actual styles refers to all the time lifting the ideal printed pockets that you may have enough money for. Not be shy to waste during those raw materials because way of manufacture impress could very well end individuals much more earnings and also health rewards at some point.

Thrilled invariably you should expect you'll pay out great sources to all your pictures. Such are inclined to serve by injection to appreciate companionship. Hence frequently make sure to make the cheapest outcome featuring those that documents equipment.

Different. Bulk the product. Then finally, bear in mind to get your size printer contract or perhaps does. Group as well extensive web-based printing documents and photos typically is coupon codes with their purchases. The actual greater a screen-print a much more the items could become rrncluding a reduced price . as the. That make sure that you you should definitely avail of all these largest percentage or perhaps a interbank is concerned every time put together use individual fibres online.

Anybody , it must be significantly better that can photograph online for private use.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

PS Print

Based in California, Psprint Llc is one of the fastest growing companies in the land and has been awarded by no less than the Business Times and Inc,5000. Its phenomenal growth since it started in a single-room press shop in 1990 is anchored on its focus on quality, affordability and speed with a simplified, fast and user-friendly online ordering portal.

Print Quality: Psprint uses only state-of-the-art printing technologies which can deliver one of the best print qualities in the business with fast

turnaround times thanks to its online templates and design tools.
Price and Shipping Cost: Currently, the site celebrates an all-month long
discount special with some of the best deals for online printing of stock sizes
and paper grades. You can enjoy as much as 60% on invitation cards and stickers, 50% off on all brochures and greeting cards and 40% off on business cards and postcards.

Website ordering ease: It has more than 150 downloaded print templates that you can customize in major graphic tools like Photoshop and Quark Express design and email it back to then. It also has DesingIt online design tools for easy design specification right on its website. It even boasts of
having printing facilities on the both coasts of the country assuring half the delivery lead times and shipping costs to anywhere in the continental

Customer Support: Psprint carries a FAQ page it labels as a Help Center that has organized topics to cover just about everything your need to know

about starting your print request to ordering and billing. It also has a toll-free number for its staff to respond instantly to your queries or concerns.

Summary: Psprint has just about the right mix of printing quality, cost and shipping fees as well as ordering ease and customer support to make it one of the best online web-to-print service bureaus in the country today.